
Júlia Zelená was born in 1963 in Košice, Slovakia, where she lives and works today. She graduated from the Technical University in Košice and works as an independent artist ever since. As a fashion designer and painter she designs original clothes and paintings. Pieces of hand-painted silk are blended with her designer clothes and interior accessories. A significant part of her production comprises of paintings (silk, acrylic, combined techniques). The atelier brings 20 years of tradition, originality and personal touch to paintings and fashion.

Júlia Zelená
Spolok C+S
Galéria na poschodí

List of past exhibitions

2011 - Vychodoslovenské múzeum - Galéria bašta, Košice
2012 - Fashion POP-UP
2012 - Móda STYLOZOFIA
2012 - C+S, Synagóga Košice
2012 - C+S, Prešov
2013 - K-GALLERY, Bratislava
2013 - Galéria stuky BWA Krosno, Poľsko
2013 - C+S  Civilizacia, galéria Diamant, Praha, Česká rep.
2013 - Hotel Marrol´s, Bratislava  
2013 - Zvolen Galéria na Tehelnej

2014 - Breiner family project, Synagóga Stupava
2015 - UMELKA, Bratislava

2004 - Východoslovenská galéria, Košice
2005 - Šarišská galéria, Prešov

2005 - Múzeum Janka Kráľa, Liptovský Mikuláš
2006 - Zvolenský zámok - Západná bašta, Zvolen

2006 - Múzeum SNP, Banská Bystrica
2006 - Oravská galéria, Dolný Kubín
2007 - Kysucká galéria - Kaštieľ Oščadnica

2007 - Malá galéria - Akcent, Nitra
2007 - Művészeti hász, Miscolc
2008 - U Anjela, Kežmarok

2008 - K. Gallery, Bratislava
2008 - Múzeum Janka Kráľa - Synagóga, Liptovský Mikuláš
2009 - Divadlo Rožňava

2009 - Café Gallery- Medzev
2010 - Art restaurant BisrtOuge - New York

2010 - Galéria Velvet - Bojnice
2010 - Projektraum - Chemnitzer Kunstlerbund e.V.- Nemecko

1993 - Dielo, Košice
1994 - Východoslovenská galéria - Salón Rembrandt, Košice
1999 - Galéria Kopa, Košice